Lunch Time Sports FUTSAL starts THURSDAY JANUARY 23rd
Team captains meeting: Tuesday January 21st
On this page you will find everything your team will need to sign up.
- Team Captains get a Team Roster Sheet for the appropriate sport.
- Team Captains recruit players for their team. They give each player on their team a Lunch Time Activity Permission Slip. Players need to submit the Release Form only once per school year.
- Team Captains collect each player's Release Form. Players who have already turned in a Release Form from a previous activity during the year, do not need to submit a new one. Captains submit the Team Roster Sheet and each player's Release Form along with the deposit.
- Any player who quits a team in one activity will not be allowed to participate in any other activity during that school year.
- With approval of both captains, a player may transfer from one team to another before half-way through the sport-season. Teams are allowed to add a transferred player only if they have room and only once per sport-season.
Flag Football: minimum 6, maximum 10
Volleyball: minimum 6, maximum 8
Futsal: minimum 6, maximum 8
Basketball: minimum 4, maximum 7